Woll Enterprises partners with 5minofscience

Woll Enterprises partners with 5minofscience

5minofscience is glad to partner with Woll Enterprises to connect our clients with venture capitalists and corporations.   David Woll, the President of Woll Enterprises, has over 50 years of professional experience in commercializing and growing business concepts...
Past Client Spotlight

Past Client Spotlight

Surplus PPE that Sintact Medical possessed was sent to New York to assist with the Covid-19 pandemic.   View Their Website Here: http://www.sintactmed.com/ I wanted to provide an update to the status of the company as well as ongoing funding efforts during the...
Partnership with Indiana Health Industry Forum!

Partnership with Indiana Health Industry Forum!

I am happy to announce that the Indiana Health Industry Forum is advertising my services under service item number 2! COVID has caused serious problems of all kinds with life science businesses. Whether it was a severance in their supply chain or a reduction in cash...
Business Acquisition Announcement

Business Acquisition Announcement

I had the pleasure of doing business with 3DR and they have recently been acquired by Acumen, which is a health care lab that consults and provides health services.   Click Here For More Details
Acquisitions: How they can effect your business

Acquisitions: How they can effect your business

One of our previous client’s Prattle was just acquired by Liquidnet, so they are able to expand their AI-based Trade and Investment Analytics. As of May 31, 2019 Prattle officially became part of Liquidnet, who is a global institutional investment network. Being...